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Scam Alert

At Community Trust Bank, our first priority is protecting your identity and personal information. We are aware of an increase in scams that are impersonating the bank. These scams can originate through telephone calls that appear to be from a valid Community Trust Bank phone number, a text message, or an email. The scammers will try to trick you into providing them with your personal and/or account information. DO NOT provide them with any information.

Community Trust Bank will never contact you and ask you to provide confidential information such as: card number, expiration date, PIN, online banking user ID and password, one-time passcode, etc. If you are suspicious of any communications from Community Trust Bank, please contact your local branch or our Customer Service Representatives at 1-800-282-7762.

Find more information at the links below on Voice Phishing (Vishing) Scams.

United States Postal Inspection Service - Voice Phishing (Vishing) Scams

AARP - Phone Scams