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How to make a Mobile Remote Capture Deposit

As a CTB Mobile Remote Deposit Capture user use the following steps to submit a check deposit via your mobile device.

  1. After launching the Mobile App, select Check Deposit in the global navigation menu.

    Note: Standard Mobile RDC limits per customer are $1,000.00 per check, $2,000.00 per day and $5,000.00 total over 5 business days. A Mobile Deposit must be received by 4:00 PM ET in order for it to be processed on the current business day.

    If deposit is made after 4:00 PM ET or on a day that is not a business day, the funds will not be available until the second business day. For example, if you make a Mobile Deposit on Friday at 5:00 PM ET, we will process the transaction on Monday and your funds will be available on Tuesday.
  2. The Check Deposit screen appears which presents guidelines for making deposits by default. On this screen, you have two options:

    Deposit: Allows you to enter new checks for deposit.
    Recent: Allows you to get a history or deposits you have made in the past.

    Select Deposit Check to continue.
    Select Continue after reading the Notice disclosure.
  3. The Check Deposit screen appears. On this screen you have five fields that must be completed:

    Front: Allows you to capture an image of the front of your check.
    Back: Allows you to capture an image of the back of your check.
    Amount: Allows you to enter the amount of the check you are depositing.
    Deposit To: Allows you to choose the account to receive the deposit.
    Email Receipt To: Allows you to choose an email address where a receipt of the deposit will be sent.

    Start by selecting Front to capture an image of their check.
  4. The device camera launches within the Mobile Banking app. Corner icons are displayed so that you can align the check within the available boundaries. A camera icon appears allowing the user to capture the image. An X also appears which allows the user to cancel the image capture. You can also obtain instructions on how to capture a check image by selecting the info icon.
    Select the camera to take the picture of the check.
  5. After capturing the image, the camera icon changes to an image of a checkmark. Select the checkmark button to accept the photo and save the check image. On the left, the X changes to a red button with a circular arrow allowing them to go back and attempt another capture if necessary.
  6. After selecting the checkmark, the Deposit Check screen appears, this time showing a smaller version of the image captured from the front of the check. Select Back to capture the endorsed side of the check.
  7. Again, the device camera launches within the Mobile Banking app. Corner icons are displayed so that you can align the check within the available boundaries. A camera icon appears allowing the user to capture the image. An X also appears which allows you to cancel the image capture. Select the camera to take the picture of the check.
  8. After capturing the image, the camera icon changes to an image of a checkmark. Select the checkmark button to accept the photo and save the check image. On the left, the X changes to a red button with a circular arrow allowing them to go back and attempt another capture if necessary.
  9. After selecting OK, the check deposit screen appears, this time showing a smaller version of the image captured from both the front and back of the check. Select Amount to enter the dollar amount of the check deposit.
  10. A number pad launches within the app. Enter the dollar amount of the deposit exactly as it appears on the check including dollars and cents. When complete, select Done to store the amount of the check being deposited.
  11. After entering the amount, the Deposit Check screen appears, showing the amount of the check you are attempting to deposit. Select the Deposit To field in order to select the account into which the funds will be placed.
  12. A list of eligible accounts appears. Select the account to receive the deposit from the list of eligible accounts.
  13. The Check Deposit screen appears again. You will need to enter an email address for a receipt of the deposit.
  14. Now that all the fields are completed, users should see the front and back image of their check, along with the amount, account to accept the deposit, and the email where they would like a receipt delivered. Select Cancel to end the process of depositing a check or select Continue to proceed.
  15. The screen darkens and a pinwheel icon appears, indicating that the deposit information is being uploaded. At this point, the system is checking over the supplied check image, and payment information for issues such as blurry text, cut-off images, and missing information. You will be prompted to resupply any pieces of information that are not included or accepted before they can continue.
  16. If the system accepts your check images and deposit information, the Continue button at the bottom of the screen is replaced with a button labeled "Approve". Select Edit in the upper left hand corner of the screen to make any changes to the deposit information. You can still cancel the deposit at this time by selecting the Cancel button. Select Approve to upload the check information and continue.
  17. The pinwheel icon appears again, indicating that the deposit information is being submitted. At this point, the RDC system is uploading all the check information to the Remote Deposit Capture service.
  18. The Deposit Complete screen appears showing information about the deposit that was just made. There is also an indication at the top of the screen that the deposit has been successfully scheduled. Selecting Back to Check Deposit returns you to the initial RDC screen where you can choose to make a deposit or review deposit history.

Note: Once the deposit has been made, it is up to the Item Processing area to ensure that the check is eligible for deposit. Various pieces such as accurate amount, account information, duplicate, etc. are reviewed. Users receive email confirmation when the check has been accepted. Conversely when the check is denied, an email is also sent to the user. Customers will need to contact our online service department at 1.866.899.3181 for more information on why RDC deposits were denied.

Mobile Remote Deposit Capture

Mobile Remote Deposit Capture

Community Trust Bank Mobile Remote Deposit Capture allows you to deposit a check through the CTB Mobile Banking App by using your phone's camera to capture an image of the front and back of a check.

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Mobile Banking

Community Trust Bank mobile banking lets you do your banking anywhere you go while keeping you safe and secure by utilizing encryption technology.

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